While on the topic of super-fan-crazed-book-series-that-become-huge-box-office-hits...I broke down and bought/read The Hunger Games. It's not that I didn't think it was going to be good, I just really had no interest in the story (sounds verrrrry similar to HP and the Goblet of Fire if you ask me). Well, my friends and I planned on going to the movie tomorrow and the true nerd in me knew I couldn't go see the movie without reading the book first. So, I bought it Monday afternoon. Finished it last night. I definitely understand the hype. I HAD to finish it ASAP 50 pages in. This was semi-bad timing seeing as I have a paper due tomorrow...Regardless, a few hours and 450 pages later, I liked it. I mean it didn't blow me out of the water plot wise or anything, but it was realllly difficult to put down. A lot of books are like that though - this world needs to read more.
I've heard the movie is pretty good, too. Hopefully it will stay close to the book!
Guster - Two At A Time
April 2, 2012
EDIT: The movie was pretty good. I disagree with a lot of the stuff the author/screenwriter focused on or left out but apparently it's setting up for the other movies. Overall, it was some good stuff!
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