Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jet Set

Well, it’s over. It still hasn’t really set in yet, though. I am actually sitting on the plane to Boston as I type this, DEPRESSED. I am excited to see my home, and everyone that comes with it, but my heart is broken. I know all good things must come to an end, and I am (semi) okay with that! I know for certain that I will always be able to look back on these five months with nothing but pure adoration for all of the people I met, places I saw, and things I did. As excited as I was to go abroad initially, and as much as everyone who had done it previously told me just how amazing it is, my mind is still blown. These other people weren’t lying when they said no one can really “get it” until they go. Boy, oh boy, were they right!

Somehow, the Scottish weather gods were happy with me because my last week was BEAUTIFUL. So much sun, and no rain! Of course I had a little bit of studying to do, as well as an exam to take – but once that was over it was smooth sailing all week. Although Audrey and Merr had exams up until the end (sad face), Kelly, Emily, and I squeezed in a bunch of fun stuff until the very end. We ventured to Portobello beach outside of the city (clearly not an RI beach, but still pretty nice!), and took a last trip the ever amazing highlands on a Hairy Coo Safari Tour!!! We even got to feed the hairy coos (Highland Cows), and see Edinburgh’s super-star coo, Hamish. I truly am in love with the Highlands – for lack of a less-cheesy word, they really are magical! I can see why JK Rowling wanted so much of Harry Potter filmed there. 

On our last day, after dropping off Audrey, we finally went to the ZOO! Now, I could easily go on all day about all of the cool animals they have – but there is one in particular tat definitely needs to be mentioned: THE PANDA! The zoo has two giant pandas and they were AWESOME. No elephants though – bummer!

We of course ended everything with a ton of delicious food too. The last supper: MUMS pies, haggis, and thistly cross cider. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I am SO going to miss MUMS – and pie in general.

I have written so many entries over the past five months about all of the amazing things I’ve done. While everything has been better than I had ever expected, there is another piece of this journey that I haven’t written too much about – nothing about this semester could have been as great as it was without something so incredibly important….MY FRIENDS. Nothing I’ve done would have been the same without them! One of my biggest fears coming to Scotland was ending up alone. I had such a hard time my first month or so at UVM, so naturally, I was more than a little nervous to jet off alone, a whole world away. WELLLLLLL, probably two days in, all fear was thrown out the window! I met five of the best friends a person could ask for – and if any of you are reading this (Merr, Audrey, Kelly, Emily, Alison, Brodie) I love each and every one of you for so many reasons! I can’t even begin to explain our closeness and I will never forget all of the amazing memories that we’ve made these few months – and I can only hope my friends at home don’t get jealous because I talk about you all too much hehehe

I’m already excited for our reunion. BBB <3 Robertson’s Close xxxxxxx

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